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Auspicious wedding dates refer to auspicious, or lucky, times to get married, a superstition held by many peoples throughout all time.

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Verses on Auspicious Wedding Date

"A January bride will be a prudent housekeeper, and very good tempered.

A February bride will be an affectionate wife, And a tender mother.

A March bride will be a frivolous chatterbox, Somewhat given to quarreling.

An April bride will be inconsistent, or forceful, But well-meaning.

A May bride will be handsome, agreeable, And practical.

A June bride will be impetuous, And generous.

A July bride will be handsome, But a trifle quick-tempered.

An August bride will be agreeable, And practical as well.

A September bride will be discreet, affable, And much liked.

An October bride will be pretty, coquettish, Loving but jealous.

A November bride will be liberal and kind, But sometimes cold.

A December bride will be fond of novelty, Entertaining but extravagant."

"Married in January's hoar and rime,

Widowed you'll be before your prime.

Married in February's sleepy weather,

Life you'll tread in time together.

Married when March winds shrill and roar,

Your home will lie on a distant shore.

Married 'neath April's changeful skies,

A chequered path before you lies.

Married when bees o'er May-blossoms flit,

Strangers around your board will sit.

Married in month of roses- June-

Life will be one long honeymoon.

Married in July with flowers ablaze,

Bitter-sweet memories in after days.

Married in August's heat and drowse,

Lover and friend in your chosen spouse.

Married in September's golden glow,

Smooth and serene your life will go.

Married when leaves in October thin,

Toil and hardships for you begin.

Married in veils of November mist,

Fortune your wedding-ring has kissed.

Married in days of December's cheer,

Love's star shines brighter from year to year."

"Married when the year is new, he'll be loving, kind and true.

When February birds do mate, You wed nor dread your fate.

If you wed when March winds blow, joy and sorrow both you'll know.

Marry in April when you can, Joy for Maiden and for Man.

Marry in the month of May, and you'll surely rue the day.

Marry when June roses grow, over land and sea you'll go.

Those who in July do wed, must labour for their daily bred.

Whoever wed in August be, many a change is sure to see

Marry in September's shrine, your living will be rich and fine.

If in October you do marry, love will come but riches tarry.

If you wed in bleak November, only joys will come, remember.

When December snows fall fast, marry and true love will last."

"Monday for health

Tuesday for wealth

Wednesday best of all

Thursday for losses

Friday for crosses

Saturday for no luck at all."

Although there are a few periods, such as the month of May, which they agree on, a number of cultures, including Hindu, Chinese, Catholic, Scottish, Irish, Old English, Ancient Roman and Moroccan culture, favor and avoid particular months and dates for weddings. A number of cultures, including the Chinese and Hindu cultures, favor particular auspicious dates for weddings. Auspicious days may also be chosen for the dates of betrothals. Dates for a particular couple's wedding may often be determined with the help of a traditional fortune-teller.

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Common Auspicious Dates

Lucky days of the week to get married, according to an old popular poem are: "Monday for wealth / Tuesday for health / Wednesday the best day of all;"

In many Churches the end of April was a busy time for weddings as couples wanted to avoid being married in May.

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Common Inauspicious Dates

The month of May is considered the most inauspicious month in which to get married. This is because in Pagan times, the start of summer was when the Festival of Beltane was celebrated with outdoor orgies. This was therefore thought to be an unsuitable time to start married life. In Roman times the Feast of the Dead occurred in May. The advice was taken more seriously in Victorian times than it is today.

According to an old poem, the unlucky days of the week to have a wedding are: "Thursday for crosses, / Friday for losses, / Saturday, no luck at all --"

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Hindu culture

In Hindu culture, Akshaya Tritiya is viewed as one of the foremost auspicious wedding dates, of which there are many. In Hindu Vedic astrology, a couple should first determine each other's zodiac signs. In addition to aiding them in the search for an auspicious wedding date, it will help them to further understand each other, as each sign has its own meaning and character. An aiding astrologer will first determine the groom's astrological position in relation to the moon, then he will do the same for the bride in relation to the sun. In light of that data, he is able to give the couple lucky times and dates for their wedding. Inauspicious dates are determined in light of certain circumstances, such as getting married in a court. Birthdays can be times of trial, so they are recommended to be avoided.

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Chinese culture

In Chinese culture, auspicious wedding dates are typically found by numerological analysis of the date in the Chinese calendar. Some modern sources also apply numerological analysis to the date as given by the Gregorian calendar. Another way to determine an auspicious wedding date in Chinese culture is to start with the espoused's Zodiac animal sign, distinguished by their respective years of birth. To start, the couple must not get married in a year of the animal with which theirs conflict. The couple may not be of the same Zodiac animal but will likely be similar enough to distinguish the years in which they can marry. Some couples eliminate months that will clash with their Zodiac animals. The next step is to set a time period in which the couple might like to marry in and eliminate all inauspicious days within this period. These days include Year Breaker days (the branch of the year clashes with the branch of the day), Month Breaker days (the branch of the month clashes with the branch of the day), and Personal Clash Day (the branch of the couples' years of birth clash with the branch of the day). There are other inauspicious days, such as the "Four Extinct and Four Departure Days", the Impoverish or No Wealth days; the couple is allowed to decide for themselves if they are to eliminate these days, as well. From that point, the couple may eliminate further dates with the 12 Day Officers method. Advanced couples even eliminate dates by the stars (or energy) that influence the day.

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Roman Catholic

Although the Catholic Church does not have particular auspicious dates, because of numerous feast days and penitentiary periods, restrictions on marriage during certain spans of time during the year used to be in place. April was favored because of the prohibition during Lent and the promise of a holiday brought by Easter. It was additionally favored because the following month, May, was because of its continual dedication to the Virgin Mary. A 1678 almanac summarizes the prohibited dates for marriage as such:

"Marriage comes in on the 13th day of January, and at Septuagesima Sunday it is out again until Low Sunday, at which time it comes in again, and goes not out until Rogation Sunday ; from whence it is unforbidden till Advent Sunday, but then it goes out, and comes not in again till the 13th January next following."

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Scottish Culture

Like nearly all of the other cultures, Scottish culture considers May an unlucky month. May 3rd is a particularly unlucky date for a wedding. January 1, on the other hand, is the luckiest day of the year for any novel experience because of the introduction of the New Year.

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Irish Culture

Unlike Scottish culture, the Irish believe the year's final day is particularly auspicious for weddings, although the Feast of the Holy Innocents (December 28) is unlucky for any occasion.

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English Culture

In addition to their consideration of St. Joseph's Day's unluckiness, along with the 17th of December, "English common law forbids marriages between Rogation Sunday and Trinity Sunday." Marriages that were scheduled between those two dates required dispensations.

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Ancient Roman Culture

Among the ancient Romans, the month of June was particularly auspicious, due to its affiliation with the goddess Juno; it was supposedly derived and sacred to the queen of the gods. A full or new moon were lucky during this month, especially. As many cultures agree, the Romans believed May to be an unfavorable and even illegal month to marry because it was during this month that the festival of Bona Dea, the goddess of charity, took place. The Feasts of the Dead, also named lemuralia, where specters called lemures, or larvoe haunted the living, particularly the young. Their affinity towards tormenting weddings caused the delegalization of marriage during that time.

Moroccan Culture

Moroccan culture does not have any specific dates that are lucky. They favor the autumn as the lucky season to get married; it allows the bride to participate in the augmentation of the abundant crops by blessing them with her baraka, wedding blessing. The lucky days of the week for Moroccan culture are Thursday and Sunday only; all other days are unlucky. The consummation of the marriage is best done on Thursday evening. However, there are seven days of hesoum - February 24 to March 4 - during which there is a ban on marriage. Besides those dates, marriages may take place any time during the year.

Source of the article : Wikipedia



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