Stoked (stylized as St?ked) is a Canadian animated series produced by Fresh TV that premiered on Teletoon on June 25, 2009 and ended on January 26, 2013. It formerly aired on Teletoon in Canada and ABC3 in Australia, and on Cartoon Network in the United States. The series is from the same creators as 6teen and the Total Drama series.

Maps, Directions, and Place Reviews
Stoked is a character driven animated situational comedy about a group of groms who come together one summer on legendary Surfer's Paradise Hotel, British Columbia, to experience the ultimate surfer's dream -- the endless summer. Emma, Reef and Fin join locals Broseph, Lo, her brothers George and Ty, and Johnny to work at the world-renowned Surfer's Paradise Ridgemount Resort, stoked to have the summer of their lives. What they find instead - the worst jobs ever, hideous uniforms, zero respect, a run-down staff house, and a tacky, fake, kooksville resort. For twelve weeks, they will spend their first summer away from home and work the hardest that they have ever worked in their lives, but most importantly, they have the opportunity to surf on their days off.
Funky Fish Resort Video
Main characters
Secondary characters
Tyler "Ty" Ridgemount: Lo's 17-year-old brother who also surfs. He has no clue of Emma's massive crush on him, even though it is very obvious. He has a hobby of recording surf videos and wishes to make a career out of it. He is portrayed to be an exceptionally skilled surfer. At first he could not remember Emma's name, though he makes up for it later. Despite Emma's many mistakes [spying on him and his date at the theaters, spilling her drink on his date, showing "The Office" to a kook who later brings friends, and spitting a marshmallow in his eye], he does not get angry with Emma and is very patient and forgiving with her which might be signs that he may have some sort of feelings for her but it is not strongly stated. He also is close friends with the seniors. He and Kelly were dating until Ty found out (via Emma and Lo) that she was just using him to get to his family's money. Near the end of season 2, he and Kelly break up, resulting in a very angry Kelly, and a very happy Emma. Ty is 5 foot 10 (as estimated by Emma), has light brown hair, purple eyes and is tan. He is normally seen wearing green board shorts and a cream coloured T-shirt. He's your typical hot and hunky but polite type of guy. Unlike Reef, he's not a womaniser and prefers to keep things natural with the ladies. Ty is voiced by Jamie Spilchuk.
George Ridgemount: Lo and Ty's 10-year-old younger brother. He once burned down their boat house and has a pet spider named Shania Twain. He likes getting Lo in trouble. He is seen to have crushes on girls far older than he is and is selfish. In one episode (Waves of Cheese), it is shown that he does know how to surf. George is very cunning and cheeky, and often spends his time tormenting and playing practical jokes on Lo. He's shown to wear a light white top with blue board shorts, and has light blonde hair and purple eyes, resembling a miniature form of his older brother Ty. He is voiced by Gage Munroe.
Grommet: Grommet only appears in a few episodes. He is Broseph's younger brother and is usually with George, being best friends. In "Hang 9", he helps George get revenge on Lo for telling an older girl that he likes her. Grommet is usually quiet and mysterious. In another episode, he replaces Broseph as bellhop when Broseph wants to surf "El Dudarino", a wave that only comes once every 20 years. Even though Grommet doesn't talk at all during the series and that he looks like Broseph when he was younger, Bummer thinks it is Broseph who is working when it is actually Grommet. In "Waves of Cheese" it is shown that Grommet knows how to surf when he and George paddle out past Emma and Finn.
Ripper: An Australian friend of the group and a soul surfer, he tends to make people laugh with his gas (hence his nickname), although the group just thinks that it is disgusting. He is best friends with Lance and Broseph and is occasionally ridiculed because of his blue hair. He also has very dark blue eyes and speaks with a heavy Australian accent. His ultimate dream is to become the world's best surfer. He is shown to usually be laid-back but is also very serious when it comes to certain things. Ripper works in water sports with Lance and Reef. He is returning staff from last year and is 17. He also happens to be a prankster. In season 2, Ripper and Lance get up to mischief, resulting in Emma injuring her knee. Seeing this, Ripper blows on her grazed knee to soothe the pain, which Emma found quite nice of him to do. This leads to Emma and Ripper dating, but for a brief period. Ripper is voiced by Sergio Di Zio.
"No Pants" Lance: He is another of the returning staff and Ripper's best friend, and is normally the accomplice of Ripper when they get up to mischief. They think much the same, despite the fact that they are physical opposites. Lance has very short brown hair, brown eyes, and always wears swimming trunks, earning him his nickname. He is 17 and works at the water sports with Ripper and Reef as a life guard and possibly at the golf course, as shown in one episode where he is driving a resort golf cart. He is voiced by Corey Doran.
Kelly: A bossy, selfish, snobbish, and possibly sadistic girl who leads the staff seniors in their harassment and intimidation towards the groms. When the groms passed hazing initiation, she was the only staff member not to be impressed. She does not surf and instead loves to give Lo and Emma a hard time working as waitresses. She works as a dining room waitress and is Emma and Lo's immediate supervisor. She secretly seems to care about Emma (at least in the beginning), as shown in the episode "Penthouse of Horror". In "Charging Into the Night", she was tricked into going on a blind date with Bummer, resulting in her forcing him to pay for her meal and making it clear that she was miserable being stranded on the waterfront with him. In "Grand Theft Whale Bus", she is also shown to dislike Rosie. She later becomes a social-climbing gold digger when, knowing that Ty Ridgemount is Lo's brother and that Emma has a crush on him, she asks Ty out on a date and kisses up to his and Lo's parents purely to spite both Lo and Emma, who have tried in vain so far to expose Kelly and her true motivations to Ty and the rest of Lo's family. She is voiced by Lauren Lipson.
Rosie: She is a 35-year-old maid at Surfer's Paradise. While she apparently is not the head of Housekeeping (as the Head Housekeeper would not regularly clean rooms), she seems to have seniority or be at least the maid with the most experience. Also, according to Lo, Rosie has known her since she was a baby. In "Grand Theft Whale Bus", she has a distaste in Kelly for her snobbery. She is voiced by Fiona Reid.
Wipeout: Dressed in a purple orca costume, Wipeout poses as the resort's mascot, carrying around a portable stereo and dancing to greet visitors. His job is thankless however, as he gets little respect among peers and has been known to get left behind by the resort's tour bus. Wipeout's real face or body without the orca costume has yet to be seen. He is voiced by Sergio Di Zio.
Andrew "Bummer" Baumer: The day manager of the resort, he is stern and strict with the workers below him. His main ambition is his career, and besides Johnny he is one of the only characters to show any sense of responsibility. He is scared of Mr. Ridgemount and cares little about the employees. Reef and Broseph refer to him as a selfish dork. In order to surf at night, the groms had set him up on a blind date with Kelly (though both were enraged to be paired together) indicating that he is a young adult not much older than she is. He hates Reef the most out of all the employees. He is voiced by Cory Doran, who also voices Captain Ron.
Mr. Ridgemount: He is the owner of the resort and is the head of the Ridgemount Hotel chain of which Surfer's Paradise is the flagship property. Normally, very little of his face is seen; though in "Penthouse of Horror" all except his intimidating eyes were visible revealing that he resembles Coach Halder from 6teen. He always wears a black suit and is the father of Lo, Ty, and George. In "Another Grom Bites the Dust", Mr. Ridgemount mentions that his first job was working as a golf caddy; a possible reference to Caddyshack, a movie with which Stoked shares the theme of being about teenagers with lousy summer jobs waiting on rich people. He is voiced by Jamie Watson.
Mrs. Ridgemount: She is Lo, George, and Ty's mother and a stereotypical trophy wife, although in a near death experience, Mr. Ridgemount flashbacks to them both being highschool or college sweethearts. She acts just like Lo, shirking responsibilities and accustomed to living the life of luxury. She also resembles Lo a few years into the future. She has Lo's back when trying to get Mr. Ridgemount to lighten up. She is voiced by Emilie-Claire Barlow.
The Kahuna: He is a very friendly person whose laid back personality resembles that of a flower child. He has an orange beard and vaguely resembles a younger George Carlin. Displaying numerous job talents, he appears to be a Jack of all trades, master of none. Among his many jobs and hobbies, he is the resort's tour bus driver, the owner of a movie theater specifically for surf flicks where he accepts anything as currency, is an avid taxidermist, and was seen making sandals out of palm trees. He has also been involved in some of the stranger events of the series, such as unknowingly reviving a fish stick as a revenge-crazed zombie.
Mark and Todd Marvin: Twin brothers who are guests at the resort. They are rambunctious children who get on everyone's nerves. They never listen to the employees and apparently do not want to surf, evident when Andrew gives them free surf lessons. They also seem to enjoy kicking Reef in the groin for fun.
Mr. & Mrs. Marvin: They are the parents of Mark and Todd, who frequently allow their children to run wild and engage in destructive behavior in the hotel, are very defensive for them, and think that the staff enjoys babysitting their unruly children. They either do not know what to do or are in denial of their children's behavior. However, in "Waves of Cheese", they were chastised by Johnny for their terrible parenting.
Sonny and Buster: A shark and a yellow tang who are two fish that reside in the Lobbyquarium. Buster is friendly and dimwitted, although he tries to be non-violent, and can have a mean streak. Sonny speaks with a New York accent, and makes bets with other fish in the aquarium.

Source of the article : Wikipedia